Friday, June 30, 2006

If you are a blogger, how do you go about making some money

BloggerCon: Bloggers and money by ZDNet's Dan Farber -- John Palfrey from the Berkman Center at the Harvard Law School led a discussion about how to making money through blogging. Here is his lead in to the topic:If you are a blogger, how do you go about making some money from your work? One obvious answer is the classic approach of throwing BlogAds or [...]

If you are a blogger, how do you go about making some money from your work? One obvious answer is the classic approach of throwing BlogAds or Google ads or whathaveyou ads on your blog. That works for some people, but it generates more than beer money only for a select few at the left-hand side of that famous power law distribution. Some, like Mike Arrington at TechCrunch, have added premium sponsorships to the mix; then again, Mike’s plainly in the select few. Others contend that a blog is itself an advertisement. You don’t make money on the blog itself, but rather you make money on other things (as in the artist who ... read the whole article here


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