Thursday, July 06, 2006

doubt you can make money as an affiliate marketer?

Just in case you're in doubt as to how fast you can make money online as an affiliate marketer and the power of having affiliates marketing your product just read this email that was sent to me fromone of the many lists I am on.
If you're into Adsense, you should check out Joel Comm's "Instant Adsense Templates" package built around generating Adsense revenue. (sold out as of now)
The templates in the package will help you get your sites online much faster, whatever content you use... your own articles, ghostwritten articles, reprintable articles... ... just drop the content into a template and put it online. (if you don't have content or a site builder, Joel provides both... read on....) Incredibly, Joel sold 1,000+ copies in just eight hours... and, as I write this, there are under 800 copies left so, if you're interested don't put this off... check it out *now*! :-)
(If I'm not mistaken from what I read from Joel's email... he selling the first 1000 at 297$ the other 1000 of them at 497$)
Joel gives you Adsense-specific templates for Blogger blogs, Wordpress blogs, XSitePro sites, Forum skins and tons more "generic" templates for you to use with your favorite site builder as well! The templates are optimized by Joel, who's made a career out of Adsense. The templates include the clever "graphics near the ads" to increase clicks, the useful "ads that are woven into the content" and the smart "link type ads near your site navigation"... in short, all the "tricks" top Adsense earners are using to maximize their clicks. Joel gives you over 2,413 pages of content for your niche templates too... just be sure to add extra content to make your sites distinctive and original. You also get site builder software in this package in case you need one! It's called, "Your Own Original Content Site Builder" to help you build your sites. In this product he really has thought of everything.
There are even instructional movies to help you get everything up and running quickly. OK, here's the "act now" reason... Joel's made 2,000 sets of these templates available... and since the launch (yesterday) he's sold over 1,200! So if you want to get a set, you really do have to act quickly.
(Ok so that's 297*1000=297,000$ + 497*1000=497,000$ for a grand total of 794,000$
Still think you cant make money online as an affiliate marketer?)


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