Monday, February 20, 2006

Link Exchange

Something dawned on me today while talking to a contractor I do work for. We were discussing word of mouth advertising. He was amused while discussing the current job we were bidding on. with the customer and the customer had heard of us, yadda yadda.

So this is what dawned on me: Like newer affiliate marketers I'm looking for traffic, and happily I'm starting to get tarffic at this blog !!, and one of the ways to do this is link exchange. Yeah I submit my blog to the ping places, but what I was thinking is this.!!!

I'll post your link in my blog if you give me a link in on yours (blog or site ) in return. I figure this may help out everyone when the spider makes it's rounds. We all get a few more hits and traffic and well we all know where that leads to eh !!!

So this is what I'm thinking as far as links. I'll post your link if it pertains to
Affiliate marketing,
web master resources.
Site creation,

I think you have the gist of it.

All you have to do is reply to this message. Leave a link , or a method of contact and in return post my link, and those others that reply in kind.
So it's a win win situation for all and everyone.!!!


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