Thursday, March 02, 2006

Webite authoring (building)

Hey people !!
Looks like some people are catching on to Xsite pro's powerful website creation abilities.
For a while I was using FP2003. Which I found ok. It needs tweaking here and there, but for me it was better than note pad. I REALLY dont have the time to hand code and check everything. So FP2003 was ALOT easier.
Then came along Xsite pro. Its got a great user interface, has SEO tools to help your rankings (if thats what you want) Dont forget the content though. Spiders like content.

Xsite pro allows you to make changes globally with out messing about with it. I think of it as kinda like a template based thingy, you just add content and update whammo done, EASY !!! If you dont want to spend alot of time learing html and fooling about with tag and all the other jargon, then AGAIN I recommend Xsite pro

Basically you can make a site in a day. As opposed to fp 2003 (for me anyways) taking a week. And then having the damned thing look out of whack once posted. Ive had table troubles and cell problems. More probs than I can think of. I dont usually hype about softwares but....... If you want usability and ease of use then I recommend it. Like I said in one of my other posting here, Im a practical guy I like things that work and this works. SO check it out !!

I dont think I'll un-install FP 2003 but I'll probably use it less and less .... My two cents.
I cant tell you how many books , well ok i'll tell you 5 and I honestly dont know how many ebooks and html freebies ive downlaoded only to wind up looking at html codes, ARRRRGGGHHHHH no-more !!!


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